Therapeutic Goals Essay

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Pages: 3

• Identify some therapeutic goals that a prescriber might establish for this patient? For a precriber, the therapeutic goals for Marissa include medication management that achieve preventing asthmatic exacerbrations, minimizing emergency department visits, and hospital stays. With the consideration of Marissa age, there are two primary goals of preventing reduced lung functioning and reduced growth due to therapy. According to Zhang, Prietsch, & Ducharme, 2014), growth is negatively impacted by the use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS).
• What education would be provided for patient and family? Education for the patient and family addresses the need to avoid allergens, proper use of the spacer, and medication compliance. Avoiding allergens is essential teaching for the patient and caregiver as they need to be aware of the health care benefit. The proper use of the space is key to ensuring the intended dose. According to Watson (2010), spacer are particularly important for children as this was the motivation to create a collapsible spacer. In terms of medication teaching, the family needs to be taught the importance of compliance.
• What are strategies to monitor the
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By monitoring the patient status on a regular bases, the FNP can create an FEV1 history, examine the patient for respiratory systems, and obtaining information about the disease activity. The FEV1 is an indication of the asthmatic state. By comparing past and current reading, the FNP will develop an overall view of the patient’s disease process. For each follow up visit, the FNP can obtain the progressive worsening or improve of shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. The disease activity is subjective data provided by the patient and caregiver. It entail information about night activity, interruption of sleep, performance with activity, and other pertinent