Theyoungturk Analysis

Words: 1344
Pages: 6

Different forms of media show different perspective of the same topic. Television tend to show only the basic facts and what they want their audience to see. The internet has no limitations of what they want to post on the fact, but the credibility is questioned then. An example of this is during the recent Democratic Debate in October 2015. The two top candidates were Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton. Television and television articles claims that Clinton won the debate, but the internet polls and YouTube channel TheYoungTurks claim that Sanders won. With the evidence of poll being present on the TheYoungTurks channel, it is more reliable and credible to believe that Sanders won because on their channel they did not use personal beliefs, …show more content…
The two men gave the results from multiple polls revealing that Sanders had the higher lead in the debate than Clinton and Clinton even loss some. By providing real evidence, the audience can actually see who was stronger in the debate rather than just being told what someone else believes. Though people are told not to believe everything they see on the internet, maybe this should be applied to television as well because by not giving the true facts, this makes television not as credible as people believe it is. This is not in this situation, but a situation which occurs multiple times. It is hard not to give personal beliefs in an article or television news show, but the authors must try not to because the people need to see the facts and choose their side on the topic, not on what the author or anchor believes. TheYoungTurks even agreed on the same matter and also said, “But if everybody on your site says 81% of the people on CNN’s website said that Bernie Sanders won, don’t you feel a little awkward- they are your viewers, wouldn’t you at least want to note it?” (TheYoungTurks 0:58-1:23). The video showed those who read the CNN article that claims that Clinton won and watched their video can clearly see that CNN has personal belief because despite the polls on all the …show more content…
TheYoungTurks broke it down and explained that, “You know part of the reason why they declared Hillary the winner? Because they want to suck up to her and that will give them access to her when she is President” (TheYoungTurks 3:36-3:50). The video shows that news media again uses personal belief and will only try to give the opinion on which will benefit them more rather than give true facts. This is also a part of human nature. Sometimes, people will ignore the facts and try to suck up to someone who they think is powerful so they can become powerful as well. The greed is national television is dangerous because not only do they not stick to true facts, but they are so greedy that they will try their hardest to influence the viewers opinion and try to persuade them so the television news can be in good terms with who they think will be President. This shows how far people are willing to lie and manipulate the people rather than give them the facts. Society has made people be like this though because they think that if a person is in the higher class or socialized with them such as a President then they are very respected and powerful. Society’s idea of respectability has made news reporters greedy and that greed causes them to lie and claim an opponent is winning when in the reality they are