Why I Love Science

Submitted By turnt17
Words: 868
Pages: 4

I think I could have loved science, but unfortunately the school has disgusted me . like everyone else , I took courses in physics, chemistry biology at . I hate every moment. why? it is very simple : teachers were content to " follow the program " , that is to say send us amount of information and formulas that we had to memorize and regurgitate the day of the exam . when we asked questions about the usefulness of all this , we often was responding : "We need to learn because it'll be a consideration ." I would have like to deepen the scientific method and discuss scientific issues in society notes , brief understanding of how science exists in real life, but it is not at school I could. Today , I am looking to catch up watching science programs on TV , but I feel I have missed a lot of things .

personally , I find it hard to find my way in the avalanche of often conflicting information that we used in the media. one day, one expert says that we must worry about climate change , while the next day another supports exactly the opposite. same thing with omg , antioxidants, biofuels, foods that prevent cancer or not , energy nuclearie , the vaccines ... each comes with his studies , his numbers , loan defender his thesis . The public is more than to choose his sources to accommodate his beliefs. you ask me if I love science .. but what science? it looks like there are several !

I do Scientific Research for over twenty years, so any evidence I can say that I love science . I dare say that I am passionate member ! For me, the pleasure of solving problems of incomparable demure . However, I am worried . Indeed, I see my freedom of desired decrease. I see more and more research is simply motivated by trade earnings potential. I see the budgets devoted to scientific research base from year to year . I see researchers as exile or offer better conditions of work abroad. I see our government pursue its political agenda (in terms of the environment for example ) denying the findings of scientific studies . So yes, I still love science, but combines long?

je crois gue j'aurais pu aimer la science, mais malheureusement l'ecole m'en a degoute. comme tout le monde, j'ai suivi des cours de physique, de chimie at de biologie. j'en ai deteste chaque instant. pourquoi? c'est bien simple: les professeurs se contentaient de "suivre le programme", c'est a dire de nous transmettre quntite d'informations et de formules que nous que nous devions apprendre par coeur et regurgiter le jour de l'examen. quand nous posions des questions sur l'utilite de tout ca, on nous repondait souvent: "il faut l'apprendre parce que ca sera a l'examen". j'aurais bien aime approfondir la methode scientifique et discuter des enjeux scientifiques de note societe, bref comprendre comment la science existe dans la vraie vie, maies ce n'est pas a l'ecole que j'ai pu le faire. aujourd'hui, je cherche a rattraper le temps perdu en regardant des emissions scientifiques a la tele, mais j'ai l'impression d'etre passe a cote de beaucoup de choses.

personnellement, j'ai du mal a m'y retrouver dans l'avalanche d'informations souvent contradictoires qu'on nous sert dans les medias. un jour, un expert affirme qu'il faut s'inquieter des changements climatiques alors que le lendemain un autre soutient exactement le contraire. meme chose avec les omg, les antioxydants, les biocarburants, les aliments qui