Thomas Jefferson and United States Essay

Submitted By 16emericra
Words: 771
Pages: 4

Terms to Know: 1. Tariff- a tax on imports, would be the government's chief source of income 2. Bill of Rights- first ten amendments to the Constitution which protect the rights of individuals from abuses by the federal government 3. circuit courts- court that meets at different places within a district 4. excise tax- internal tax on goods or services, was put in place to fund the national debt, was on wines, coffee, tea, and spirits (Hamilton) 5. Whiskey Rebellion- revolt in Western Pennsylvania against the federal exercise tax on whiskey 6. Abrogating-process of abolishing a treaty so that it is no longer in effect; Washington declared neutrality in the Britain and France war 7. strict construction- 8. loose construction- 9. XYZ Affair- incident that precipitated an undeclared war with France when three officials (identified as X, Y, and Z) demanded that American emissaries pay a bribe before negotiating disputes between the two countries 10. Naturalization- process by which people born in a foreign country are granted full citizenship with all of its rights 11. Alien- person from another country who is living in the United States 12. Impressment- removal of sailors from American ships by British naval officers; the Jay Treaty did nothing to stop this 13. Impeachment- the act of charging a public official with misconduct in office 14. High Federalists- term used to describe Alexander Hamilton and some of his less-moderate supporters. They wanted the naval war with France to continue and also wanted to severely limit the rights of an opposition party 15. Aaron Burr- Vice president under Thomas Jefferson who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel and eventually hatched schemes to detach parts of the west from the United States 16. lame-duck- period of time between an incumbent party's or officeholder's loss of an election and the succession to office of the winning party or candidate 17. midnight judges- federal judicial officials appointed under the judiciary Act of 1801 in the last days of John Adam's presidency 18. Marbury v. Madison- 1803 case involving the disputer appointment of a federal justice of the peace in which Chief Justice John Marshall 19. judicial review- Supreme Court's power to rule on the constitutionality of congressional acts 20. Louisiana Purchase- land purchased from France in 1803 that doubled the size of the United States 21. Yeoman- a farmer who owned his own farm 22. Embargo- government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships or goods in or out of its ports 23. War Hawks- members of the 12th congress, most of them young nationalists from southern and western areas, who promoted war with Britain. 24. Hartford Convention- 25. Treaty of Ghent- December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border. 26. Alexander Hamilton- secretary of the treasury under Washington who organized the finances of the new government and led the partisan fight against the Democratic Republicans 27. Citizen Edmond Genet 28. Anthony Wayne -was a United States Army officer and statesman. Wayne adopted a military career at the outset of the American Revolutionary War, where his