Ender's Game Dialectical Journal

Submitted By dennytoso03
Words: 417
Pages: 2

Ender’s Game: Dialectical Journal

|Quotation |Response (Choose an option) |
|Write down a sentence or brief passage that makes you think and that you believe is |Make a connection between the event and an example from history, current events, or your own experience. |
|significant. DO NOT PARAPHRASE OR SUMMARIZE THE QUOTATION! You must include a MLA |Compare the character or event with another literary work. |
|citation after each quotation. Your MLA citation needs to include the author’s last |Explain why you like or dislike a character |
|name and page number of the quotation. Remember that your end mark goes AFTER the |Explain how the quote presents or describes a specific archetype. |
|citation. |Examine the values of a character. |
| |Give advice to the character and explain why he/she should take it. |
| |Examine the author’s underlying message or philosophy. |
|Example: “They must talk to each other directly, Ender, mind to mind. What one thinks, |The Buggers have what we might call ESP which is the ability to understand each other without actually speaking and |
|another can also think; what one remembers, another can also remember. Why would they |listening but from mind to mind without any direct means of communication as we know it today. However, without the |
|develop language? Why would they ever learn to read and write” (Card 253). |necessary development of a language they also have no written record of their history that could be passed down from|
| |generation to generation or from one culture to another. Also, without reading and writing they cannot think |
| |individual thoughts but merely function as one large Bugger with only one idea. This would translate into a lack of |
|TWO QUOTES AND TWO WRITTEN RESPONSES ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH CHAPTER! |individualization that we prize in a democracy without the ability to think a multiplicity of unique ideas. |
| |Uniformity would inhibit the development of an individual identity. |
|Chapter 1 #1 | |
|Chapter 1 #2 | |
|Chapter 2 #1 | |
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