Three Amendments Of The Reconstruction Era

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Pages: 4

Between 1865 and 1877 there was a period known as the Reconstruction period. It started as the Civil War was coming to a close. Lincoln was planning on making the physical, economic, social, and political recovery. The Reconstruction was the time for African Americans to have more political, social and economic rights. This was more of a success than a failure. African Americans made up the majority of Southern voters. Multiple blacks were elected into the public offices, 100 of them were born slaves. Also, sixteen served in the US Congress and more than 600 served in the State legislatures. A couple of things came out of the Reconstruction, public school systems were established, the were in the process of remaking the Southern economy and they also introduced an interracial political democracy. Three amendments also came about through the reconstruction. These amendments helped the Africans gain many …show more content…
The fifteenth says that “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous servitude.” This amendment gave the African Americans a voice about politics. Over the years it paved a way for women and other minority groups the ability to gain increasing levels of freedom and equality. In the early years literacy tests were given to african american children and children of other origins in order to be able to go to school. With the fifteenth amendment the literacy tests were banned. Throughout the United States education was provided to everyone, black or white. It was forced more in the south. In addition to the 15th amendment there was an enforcement act. The enforcement Act of 1870 banned terror, force and bribery to not allow people to vote because of what their race is. This enforcement act ties back to the thirteenth amendment that gave slaves freedom from the white