Thyroid: Thyroid and butterfly Shape Gland Essay

Submitted By bennramirez011
Words: 429
Pages: 2

The Thyroid gland is located in the front of the throat and is right below the Adam’s apple. The hormones the thyroid produces are thyroxine and triiodothyronine. It is a butterfly shape gland and ti helps regulates the endocrine system. It has two types of cells in the gland. They are the follicular gland and C cells also create a hormone called calcition which helps regulation with calcium in our blood. The type of hormone the thyroid gland is phenol derivatives. When the two cells in the thyroid are stimulated it makes really important hormones for the body. The hormones created regulate metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and energy consumption. They are helped and produced by the pituitary gland. That gland is located in the brain and controls most of the body. The hormones the gland produces T3 and T4 they help regulate your metabolism, growth, and the energy consumption of our body and the other hormone is calcition is too help regulate the calcium in our blood. The thyroid id helped by the pituitary gland to regulate most of our body. It keeps us healthy and growing to make sure we reach our true potential. It could have both a negative and a positive effect. It can keep you really healthy and you will be fit and all. If your thyroid is not healthy than there maybe a couple of things can happen like gaining weight or even possibly even lose weight at an alarming rate and that is really not good for you. So it is important to maintain you stay healthy and make sure every is fine with. There are many