Tikki Adawi Theme Essay

Words: 660
Pages: 3

Vincent Van Gogh once said, “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”. Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,danger, pain, etc., without fear. Without courage, life would be dull, because no one would have the audacity to step outside the box. But what gives us courage? Courage is fueled by love. If someone we love is in danger, we protect them, it’s human nature. The theme of the fictional story Rikki-tikki-tavi by Rudyard Kipling is: family, with or without a blood relationship, gives each other courage to protect one another.

Rikki Tikki is a courageous character in this story. To illustrate this, Rikki Tikki fights Karait to protect Teddy, for Karait’s bite is worse than a king cobra’s. (para #34) This shows that Teddy and his family gives Rikki Tikki courage to take on foes more powerful than himself. This demonstrates the theme, because Rikki Tikki gets the courage to fight Karait once he sees that Teddy is in danger. Furthermore, when Rikki Tikki sees Nagaina attempting to kill Teddy’s family, he gets the courage to kill fight with Nagaina. (para
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To begin with, when Rikki Tikki fights Karait, he has the human instinct to protect Teddy, his newly found family. (para #34)This conveys that the author uses personification to show how love fuels courage.This evidence portrays that Rikki Tikki has human instincts when it comes to protecting his family. Similarly, when fighting Nagaina, Rikki Tikki portrays human characteristics such as courage and love. (para #96) This means that the author uses personification to portray Rikki Tikki as a courageous character. This personification shows that Rikki TIkki’s love for his family gave him the courage to fight Nagaina. In conclusion, the author portrays that love fuels courage by using