Tillman The Bulldog Observation

Words: 538
Pages: 3

Gabriela Ghorayeb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8XAlSp838Y In my video I chose, Tillman the bulldog is going skateboarding. Completely on his own he is very efficiently and effectively using a skateboard to skate around the city he is in, pushing himself along and jumping back on whenever he falls off while being admired by onlookers.
If I were to attempt to train this behavior in my dog, I would use dog treats such as pupperoni as a primary reinforcer along with praise as a secondary on a continuous schedule based on the performance of desired behaviors. Here are the steps I might take for this conditioning:
1. Introduction to the skateboard. Before your dog can attempt to ride a skateboard, he needs to know what it is and what it does.