Tim Elmore: A Modern Day Mature Person

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Pages: 3

Everybody knows the word "mature", as everybody has the general idea of what a mature person is like. Tim Elmore, an expert when it comes to understanding artificial maturity, asks "What are the marks of maturity?" So, how would one declare somebody "mature" or "jeuvenile"? Well, according to Tim Elmore, there are many characteristics that are commonly found in a modern day mature individual. He believes that a mature individual is able to keep long-term commitments, knows how to prioritize others before themselves, and constantly expresses gratitude to others.

As declared by Tim Elmore, "A mature person is able to keep long-term commitments.". I personally agree with this statement, and I believe that this is one of the essential characterisics that a mature person must understand. When an individual shows that they can keep
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On the other hand, Tim Elmore explains that "Immature children presume they deserve everything good that happens to them." When one is mature, they begin to realize that others truly do make large impacts in their lives, and in return, they give thanks and show gratitude to show that they are truly grateful for the contribution that others make towards achieving their success, and, as Tim Elmore once said, "Mature people see the big picture and realize how good they have it". Mature people also comprehend how happy it makes other people feel when one gives thanks to them, and they want to make sure to express their positive feelings about others, as stated above.

In the end, the definition of "mature" is only defined as one wants it to be, yet I belive that the characteristics above are a few of the essential characteristics that a mature being understands. All of these characteristics of a so called "mature" person point to "one who has developed intellectually, volitionally, emotionally and spiritually." So, how would you recognize an individual as being