Tiresias In Oedipus The King

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Pages: 1

The concepts of being blind and having the ability to see are prevalent so far throughout Oedipus The King. Despite the fact, that Tiresias is blind, he can see the truth; however, Oedipus is “blind to the corruption of your life, to the house you live in, those you live with-” (line 470) and thinks that Creon is conspiring against him. Because Oedipus distrusts the oracle and is in denial, Tiresias challenges him to “go in and reflect on that, solve that (the riddle of the who the killer is and the truth about his birth and family)(line 524).” This situation reveals more details about Oedipus’ character, including his need to protect his reputation and image to the extent that he blames his own brother-in law, Creon.