To Kill A Mockingbird Body Paragraph Analysis

Words: 1490
Pages: 6

Maycomb is a quiet, corrupt town in Alabama that showcased inequalities in many aspects in its society.

Body Paragraph I:

All men are treated equally in a court, but somewhat, the corrupt society of Maycomb was able to pledge an innocent man guilty because of his skin color. “A jury never looks at a defendant it has convicted, and when this jury came in, not one of them looked at Tom Robinson.” Tom Robinson was sentenced for a crime that he did not commit. Mayella Ewell, a white woman, truly committed the crime, but she lied saying that Tom was the one who tried to rape her, while it was exactly the opposite. Therefore, a lie from a white woman is worth more than the truth of a black man, back then.

The "fair" judges completely ignored the pieces of evidence that contributed to Tom Robinson's innocence. “Atticus proves Bob is left-handed, providing circumstantial evidence that Bob attacked Mayella. Atticus says, ‘Mayella Ewell was beaten savagely by someone who led almost exclusively with his left" (216). Bob signs a warrant
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“Not all female power, however, is good. During the trial, it is clear to everyone that Mayella Ewell is lying, that she accused Tom Robinson of rape to mask her own social crime of desire for a Black man.” Mayella had the power to save the young Negro’s life, but she chose to let him die. Since she was a human being, the reader can conclude that she felt some kind of guiltiness but chose to ignore it. This can be an example of the novel portraying women wrongly using her power, or it can also be an example of women cowering from men. Since Bob Ewell was the one who caught Mayella trying to kiss a man and beat her, the reader can hypothesize that Mayella feared Bob Ewell and chose to obey him. This tells us that back then, even when women had the power to make their own choices, they were unable because of the fear that they felt towards