To Kill A Mockingbird Book Vs Movie

Words: 331
Pages: 2

There are many similarities and difference in To Kill a Mockingbird film and book. The three main differences are absences of characters, missing scenes, and the difference between the scenes. The book and movie give the same lesson and moral in the end. As well as the portraying of the story line. Some of the biggest differences are the court house, Miss Rachel, and Mrs. Dubose's house.

In the court house there are many difference. Tom Robinson uses his right hand to raise his left hand to put on the bible. In the movie, he placed his right hand on the bible. In the book, Mrs. Dubose tells Scout and Jem their father is a "nigger-lover", but in the movie Mr. Ewell tells Atticus he is a "nigger-lover" in court. Another difference is Calpurnia