To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1-3 Summary

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2. In chapters 5-10, the narrator attends chapel while waiting for his meeting with Dr. Bledsoe. He is intrigued that Dr. Bledsoe is able to touch a white person with no feelings of intimidation. He recalls his own trepidation in being so near to Mr. Norton. The chapel has a guest speaker by the name of Reverend Barbee. Rev. Barbee speaks about the life and last days of the Founder and the role he and Dr. Bledsoe had in those last days. He says the Founder’s spirit lives on in Dr. Bledsoe. The narrator is shocked to find out that Rev. Barbee is blind. He leaves the chapel before the conclusion of the service and awaits his meeting with Dr. Bledsoe convinced he is about to be expelled. When his meeting with Dr. Bledsoe actually occurs, the narrator is …show more content…
Bledsoe believes that lies are the only way to make the white people happy. He also learns that Dr. Bledsoe does not believe in the progress of his people. He claims that “Yes, I had to act the nigger!” in order to get the power he now has and he was not willing to give it up. He ultimately expels the narrator but due to his fighter spirit, Dr. Bledsoe sends him up North to earn money for next year’s schooling. He sends him with 7 letters of recommendation that he tells the narrator not to read. On the bus headed north, the narrator runs into an old friend, so to speak. The vet (doctor) from the Golden Day is on the bus being transferred to another asylum. They converse and the vet tells the narrator “remember, the world is possibility if only you’ll discover it.” The narrator arrives in New York and is amazed that white people follow directions from black officers. He is nervous on the subway because he thinks he is too close to a white woman, but she appears not to notice him at all. He manages to find his way to the Men’s House in Harlem. He obtains a room there and is very optimistic about his letters of recommendation. He starts the very next morning delivering his first letter to Mr.