To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Atticus Finch

Words: 395
Pages: 2

To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel written by Harper Lee. Awarded best-seller, and awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. Award winning film. It was a sunny, breezy day in Maycomb as a widowed father explains life lessons to his son and daughter. Although Atticus fits in with Maycomb when it comes to treating his children like adults, he is still different and would never smack, or raise a hand to them. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird reveals that the character Atticus Finch parents his children with a strict, firm attitude, but he is still understanding and kind. He shows this through constant life-lessons, his tone, and his attitude towards teaching them through his characterization and dialogue. First off, Atticus teaches his children through his characterization, and the tone of others when they speak of him. Scout states, “When Jem and I fuss Attics [does not] ever just listen to Jem’s side of it, he hears mine too” (Lee 113). This is important because it shows how Atticus does not just get angry, he listens to both of his children without getting angry or frustrated. Scout informs, “Atticus [does not] ever do …show more content…
Atticus confronts, “… [it is] not fair for you and Jem, I know that, but we have to make the best of things, and the way we conduct ourselves when the chips are down…” (Lee 139). This is important because it makes it clear that Atticus uses his positivity to teach his children. Bringing a different way of teaching in regards to Maycomb. “Best way to clear the air is to have it all in the open” (Lee 366). This shows how his dialogue teaches his children them to be honest and truthful. Through Atticus’s dialogue, attitude, tone, and his life lessons, he brings a new way to raising children in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. When you think about it, this is much like parents in the real world. They are sometimes strict, but they are still supportive and caring to