To Kill A Mockingbird Social Inequality Analysis

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Pages: 3

Dimensions Of Social Inequality
Imagine living in a small town where two colors are divided against each other, with one is thought to be superior to the other. In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, the setting resembles this scenario. The majority of the white community of Harper Lee’s fictional county, Maycomb, are opposed to the Thomas Jefferson’s document of the “Declaration of Independence” that said “All men are created equal.” They believed that African-Americans are preposterously different to Caucasians. However, the people of Maycomb weren’t born to loathe another race. Being prejudice isn’t an inherited trait, it’s a learned attribute. So, the question is; What makes the Caucasian society of Maycomb to show social inequality? Based on the novel, it teaches the stages of social inequality, which begins with human mentality, which leads into their emotions, which finally ends into their actions.
The first step of social inequality is mentality. Throughout the novel, there is a character named Scout, that
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Once people began forming opinions to themselves from others, they began to be emotionally attached to it. In a scene of To Kill A Mockingbird, there was a part where her cousin, Francis, was doing the same exact taunting as Cecil did to Scout. However, instead of confusion, there was an emotion of anger. Scout loved her father genuinely, and to disrespect his name, caused an uproar. This illustration relates to people in Maycomb, that are emotionally attached of separating people by skin, with African- Americans not being able to be equal. An prime example is an old woman, named Mrs. Dubose, who quoted, “Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for” (Harper 135). She basically believed that black people were detritus, a common moral of the Maycomb area, and that Scout’s father should be ashamed of himself. This is the initiating point before it enters the final step, the