Todd Simpson World's Fastest Snowman Analysis

Words: 551
Pages: 3

The article “World’s Smallest Snowman” by Todd Simpson is about a man who “accidently” created the smallest snowman in 2005. These balls were created with a scanning electron microscope this tiny sculpture made a new record, only just standing at just 3μm tall. In 2005 the reason he created these isolated silica spheres was for a film, but when the film ended the round objects were left behind. In the beginning these silica spheres had no arms or even a face in that matter, just three balls on top of each other and each silicon sphere is 0.9μm in diameter making the snowman just about 3μm. This year, Simpson found the old sample and used the lab’s focused ion beam instrument to carve out the snowman’s eyes and mouth. The ion beam can also be used to deposit platinum and so he ‘grew’ arms and a nose for the sculpture.

Todd Simpson went to Western University and created the original ‘snowman’. He used the instrument’s operator at the “western nanofabrication facility” at Western University in Canada. In an effort to create isolated silica spheres he transferred a solution of them on a polymer film
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Another thing I find interesting about the snowman is it was created only for a film that was later on, cancelled and the three balls were left behind. At first these round object had nothing on them no eyes, mouth, nose, or even arms. These balls were also created in a University which amazes me how it was created in a school, because these Sphere’s sound like they would be created in a lab, but that was until I found out there was a lab inside the University, so it worked out. One more thing that I found interesting about this was when I first saw the snowman in a picture it looked like a regular snowman, but that’s when I realized that it was only zoomed in for the picture to be taken and in real life it’s very