Toni Morrison Recitatif Stereotypes

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“Stereotype Inaccuracy” What is stereotype? The definition of a stereotype in the Webster dictionary states that “Stereotype is a typical example or pattern. Also a conventional, oversimplified conception.” (Webster’s II New Riverside Pocket Dictionary 263) Stereotypes are often created about people of specific cultures or races. In the story Recitatif by Toni Morrison issues with stereotypes are not clearly present; we don’t know which character is of which culture. Although that’s the case, conclusions can be drawn based on context clues to somewhat define who is who. However, in the story Recitatif stereotypes cannot be properly justified because Toni Morrison made it unclear of each characters race. Therefore stereotype inaccuracy is a present is …show more content…
Twyla and Roberta are two young girls who end up in an Orphanage because Twyla mom parties too much, and Roberta’s mom is ill. In an instant most people could claim that Twyla is black and Roberta is white. Being the reader and an African American there can be an agreement on the assumption of Twyla being black because blacks do party a lot and often too much. Also because Twyla sounds like a black girl name and Roberta a white girl name. The racial Identity of both Roberta and Twyla was crucial and played a major role in the plot of the story although the Toni never actually mentioned it. In the book “Stereotypes and Stereotyping” originally published in 1996 edited by Charles Stangor, Miles Hewstone, C. Neil Macrae states that “Stereotypes serve to organize and simplify a complex world and thus are often likely to take the form of overgeneralization.”(“Stereotypes and Stereotyping” Charles Stangor, Miles Hewstone, C. Neil Macrae) Therefore making that assumption that Twyla is black and Roberta is white because of names and who their parents are causes stereotype accuracy. That can become an overgeneralization of who is