Topic Of Interest Essay

Submitted By scareyfaces
Words: 690
Pages: 3

Topic of interest - Electronic Medical Record

Key words used for the search:
Electronic Medical Record
Electronic Health Record


Cinahl -
Electronic medical record Basic Search = 1026 results Advanced - full text and within last 5 years = 150 results
Electronic health record Basic = 936 results Advanced - full text and within last 5 years = 161 records
Basic = 1115 Advanced - full text and within last 5 years - 248 results, added "benefits" and narrowed down to 9 results

PubMed/Medline - Basic search - electronic medical record - 16524 Advanced search - free full text 4419, + within 5 years - 2976 Basic search - electronic health record = 13010 advanced search - free full text = 3616, within 5 years = 2602 Basic search - EHR = 2477 Advanced search - free full text = 679, within 5 years = 522 , EHR + benefits = 46 advanced search - combine all 3 keyword searches - 1684, free full text 523, W/in 5 years - 420

Proquest - Basic search - electronic medical record = 207996 advanced - english and within 5 years and full text = 78849 Basic - electronic health record = 241822 advanced - english and within 5 years and full text 96578 Basic EHR = 26542 advanced - english and within 5 years and full text = 16832, EHR + benefits = 5629 AVANCEd - combo of all 3 words with english, within 5 years, and full text = 11017

The topic that I am interested in is Electronic Health Records. The keywords that I used in the search for CINAHL and MEDLINE were: 'Electronic Health Records', 'Electronic Medical Records', 'EHR', and in the advanced search to narrow down results even more I searched 'EHR benefits".
The results that I found using the "simple search" I like to categorize as my "probing results". I use the number of results that are returned from the basic search, and gauge the availability of research for the topic. Once I narrow down a topic that I am interested in, I now use the advanced search to narrow down relevant available articles which have full text and were published within the last 5 years (or however many years back)
The benefit that I found using the search interface Proquest was that it searches through a far greater number of resources, turning out a larger number of results even after narrowing down the search through the advanced tab. Proquest was also very helpful in suggesting alternate related subjects to search. I thought this was a wonderful tool to use especially if a subject is new to the one researching it.
I went a little overboard with the searches for CINAHL, MEDLINE, and Proquest. In an effort to not clutter the page, I will post the results of the most narrow advanced search result. I