Tracy Barron Character Analysis

Words: 498
Pages: 2

The mainstream view of success is the person that has the most money, the nicest clothes, and the coolest car. Tracy Barron, loving mom of four children, however, is successful not just because she has nice objects, or has a good portion of money, but instead is successful because she is happy, healthy, and also proud of what she has accomplished day in and day out. Furthermore, she works as hard as she is able, every moment she can. When confronted with the question what is your definition of success, Tracy Barron responded with, “You need to work as hard as you possibly can and have the drive to be successful.” Obviously, Barrons’ view of success is that to be successful one needs to work as hard as they can while pushing themself to the limit every moment that it is needed of you. Also as long as you don’t stop trying you will reach some level of success. For instance, as she does bookkeeping for my stepfather’s concrete and steel building company. She spends an immeasurable amount of time making sure every dollar received and spent is recorded down. While guaranteeing all shipments to …show more content…
Furthermore she may be stressed out at times from all the grueling hours of work and up keep she does she is undeniably happy always having a smile on her face greeting everyone with a “hello” and “have a nice day” which brings a smile to everyone that she meets. Lastly Barron is exceptionally proud of the kids she has raised and is still raising but also the work she accomplishes whether she would like to or not, altogether these traits such as hard work, happiness, health, and pride all wrapped up is why Tracy Barron is and should be considered