Traffic In Dallas

Words: 654
Pages: 3

Dallas has its own version of traffic rules... "Hold on and pray."

1.)There is no such thing as a dangerous high-speed chase in Dallas . We all drive like that. It is not uncommon when you are taking your drivers test to hear the words, "your turns are wierd, they just don't feel right"

2.)All directions start with, "Get on Beltline," which has no beginning and no end. (It REALLY DOESN'T!!!)

3.)The morning rush hour is from 6 to 10. The evening rush hour is from 3 to 7. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.

4.)If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear-ended, cussed out and possibly shot. When you are the first one on the starting line, count to five when the light turns green before going to avoid crashing with all
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Car horns are actually "Road Rage" indicators - and remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas ..

7.)All old ladies with blue hair in a Mercedes have the right of way. Period. And remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas ..

8.)The wrought iron on windows near Oak Cliff and Fair Park is not ornamental!! and remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas

9.)If it's 100 degrees, Thanksgiving must be next weekend. If it's 10 degrees and sleeting/snowing, the Fort Worth Stock Show is going on. If it has rained 6 inches in the last hour, the Byron Nelson Golf Classic is in the second round (if it's Spring) - and it is the Texas State Fair if it's Fall.

10.)If you go to the State Fair, pay the $15.00 to park INSIDE Fair Park. Parking elsewhere could cost you up to $2500 for damages, towing fees, parking tickets, and possibly a gunshot wound. If some enterprising guy with a sign tries to get you to park in his yard keep driving as it is most likely not his yard
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12.)It is possible to be driving WEST in the NORTH-bound lane of EAST NORTHWEST Highway . Don't let this confuse you. And remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas ..

13.)A friendly reminder, when driving 50mph westbound on Jefferson, that sign you just missed said "Welcome to Arcadia Park", OH! and the next sign said 25mph. You'll be reminded of this as you are explaining to the officer that there was no fire or emergency/reason for speeding in his town.

14.)The people in the car behind you would like to get home sometime tonight, so lead follow or get the hell out of the way, Arcadia Park was only one block wide. And remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas ..

15.)NO matter where you are in Dallas, When someone says, "Hey I'm going across the river" reach into your pocket and pull out $20 and give it to them. It means he or she is driving to the liqour store and you'll want to partake. Don't expect to get what you've asked for, If you had wanted it to be perfect you should have went across the river your damn self. And remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas ..except at the liqour