Transtheorectical Model Essay

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Pages: 4

Lifestyle choices plays a vital role on a persons health condition. It is considered as one of the many factors thought to influence susceptibility to many diseases. Even though there are multiple theories and models that currently exist, I'm planning to focus a health problem using the Transtheorectical Model (TTM) or called as the Stages of the Change Model, developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in the late 1970s, which employs the stages of change in order to describe the behavioral change in an individual. Studying through the different theories, I felt this theory more appealing to me because it helps us study an individual change his/her behavioral pattern through different stages. This theory helps us to follow healthy life style …show more content…
At this phase the person is not aware of themselves having a problem which can lead to many consequences. The individual doesn't realize that they need a change and probably would be denying the fact for a change in lifestyle or behavior. In this example of smoking, the person certainly has no thoughts of quitting and never had thoughts regarding the harmful effects of smoking.

Contemplation: This is the second stage in the TTM. At this stage he/she realizes that they may have a problem and seriously takes into consideration about the pros and cons associated with the change. The individual may come up with many questions and browse through many materials about successfully quitting techniques. Sooner or later the individual regard actually making the change. Majority of the smokers are at this particular stage because they get to know about the hazards linked with smoking and begin to wonder whether they should quit.

Preparation: At this stage the individual finally make plans and prepares to bring certain changes in their lifestyle choices. They are ready to take an action and for smokers especially it involves mental preparation. They may plan ahead of time about an exact quitting date and may even mark it on the calendar. The person may inform others about their quit date therefore they have some accountability from