Tree Frogs Informative Speech

Words: 230
Pages: 1

What is that little red eyed frog thing you may ask? Well I am gonna tell you about it right now.

The amazing tree frogs are actually carnivores, they eat flies, spiders, worms, crickets and other insects. Tree frogs are very small they are about 3-14 cm long and weighs 3-17 grams which 3 grams is equal to one penny and about 6 pennies is equal to 17 grams. Tree frogs don't have a very long lifespan they live about 1-15 depending on their size (bigger the longer.) Did you know that there is a lot of spesies tree frogs there are about 800! The tree frogs come in very many colors such as green, orange, yellow, white, with red eyes. Which helps them blend in their green habitat which is very large usually located in south America and northern