Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Essay

Words: 568
Pages: 3

On March 25, 1911 New York the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory set ablaze in total fire, taking the lives of many young female laborers. Following this catastrophic historical encounter, an immense, closely followed trial was held for the owners of the factory, Isaac Harris and Max Blanck as they were accused of actually setting this dreadful fire themselves and not following what meager fire regulations were in the place at this time. On December 4, 1911, the two men were charged and convicted with manslaughter by Judge Thomas Crain. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory disaster changed the industrial rights, American Labor Union Laws and Regulations, of American workers for the better. In this case, something tragic had to happen before good could occur.
When I received the theme for this year's History Day “Explore, Encounter, Exchange” I thought how do you just choose a topic out of so many historical events in the world. Then one day I was at my previous middle school and I had a discussion with my previous history teacher about the History Day theme. She mentioned a couple of topics including this fire and I was immediately intrigued. I asked her for additional information about the TRiangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and she gave me a basic outline of what happened in this
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First, I went on a class trip to a local university to use resources to discover more about my topic where I was able to find some tremendous primary sources. Through utilizing the very efficient university computer,I searched online on their database and found a great amount of sources. So many that I later took an additional trip to the same library where i had more time to locate many secondary sources from some great authors. As I began to learn more about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire I also found some old newspaper articles that were documented online; these became great sources for my research as