Trs 201 Faith Seeking Understanding Research Paper

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Pages: 5

TRS 201 Faith Seeking Understanding Tung Nguyen Reflection paper 1
The word around us is the best evidence that God is the creator of the universe. In developing the argument of the creation, we have seen that the world is essentially dependent on God. The existence of the universe cannot be totally understood or explained using our five senses or scientific theory. Most of us will agree that the creation of the universe was not a natural event, but a supernatural act of creation. Only a supernatural force such as God could have been behind the supernatural act of creation. Therefore, at the beginning of Genesis, a simple factual statement regarding God as a creator is given “In the beginning God
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In Genesis 1:20-23 “Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind.”, we see the great variety of birds and sea creatures were created at the same time, not evolving slowly over millions of years. Even though plant life was created before animal life, animal life was not created out of plant life. Among the diversity of animals, many share similar structures: birds, reptiles, mammals, and so forth. This argues at least as persuasively for a common designer as it does for a common life source. God deliberately structured plenty of variation within a kind. All life did not come from the same primordial cell, but it did all come from the same creator. When we look at the infinite variety of the animal kingdom (both living and extinct) as well as humanity, we must be impressed with God’s creative power. An understanding of which man is begins with knowing we are made in the image of God. Man is different from every other order …show more content…
Though we are biologically similar to certain animals, we are distinct in our moral, intellectual, and spiritual capabilities. Therefore, human has intrinsic value, quite apart from the quality of life experienced by any individual, because human life is made in the image of God. There are several specific things in man that show him to be made in the image of God: personality, morality, spirituality. Specifically, human have feeling, knowledge, a will to make moral judgments and we are able to communicate with God on the level of spirituality. On the other hand, the very first thing God did for man was to bless him. Without the goodness of God’s blessing, human life would be not only unbearable, but also impossible we are plainly told God created man fully formed, and created him in one day, not gradually over millions of years of progressive evolution. The idea that a slow, progressive evolution could produce a complex mechanism like the human body just doesn’t hold up. Additionally, God gave mankind a desire for sex, which would make the populating of the earth quick and likely. However, many have thought that being fruitful and multiplying was God’s only or main purpose for sex, but this isn’t the case. The primary reason God created sex was to contribute to the bonding of a one-flesh relationship. Unlike animals, they have sexual relations only for reproduction. In addition, in our day, many say there is no real difference between men and