Trudeau's Ideas Of A Just Society

Words: 428
Pages: 2

The “just society”, as defined by Pierre Trudeau, is one where the rights of minorities are not threatened by the current majority, all citizens are united by their patriotism, and one where “equality of opportunity is ensured” for all its citizens. Although, what seems to be, Trudeau’s idea of utopia, has been entrenched in Canada’s modern day society, the just society has yet to be fully achieved. Contrary to popular belief, there has yet to be a single country to close the wage gap. Cases of racial pay equity malpractices are still reported to this day. Both injustices can lead to stubbornness in the workplace. From these statements, the assumption can be made that institutionalized racism and sexism are still invisibly present in Canada and both affect the performance of middle class citizens. How can the just society, that Trudeau had talked so profoundly of, be achieved while injustices such as these still occur? Pay equity leads to a more just society and this will be proven through further examination of the benefits of achieving pay equity, including the promotion of gender equality, the promotion of racial equality, …show more content…
FILLERS ABT PARAGRAPH CONTENT. It would be absurd to believe a just society could be achieved without the issue of pay equity being tackled before the former can be successfully obtained. As defined by Trudeau, the just society is one where “all of its citizens will be actively involved in the development of a country where equality of opportunity is ensured and individuals are permitted to fulfill themselves in the fashion they judge best”. However, how can everyone be treated equally if their own government holds them