Twin Girls Research Paper

Words: 812
Pages: 4

Twin Girls:
While Amya and Aryanna are twin girls. They are not identical twins. Amya is the older twin, she does some things first. They were premature babies. Amya is quiet but sneaky she likes asking a lot of questions. What you are doing. Where are you going? What did you eat? Aryanna likes to dance. She likes Arianna Grande, Rhianna and Beyoncé just to name a few. Any song that comes on the radio she starts moving. Aryanna is talker than Amya. They wear the same size clothes. Amya wears a size 8 and Aryanna wears a size 9.Appearance affects both the way we look at other people and the way we look at ourselves. Appearance affects others opinions, which in turn influences how we view ourselves, which in turn has effects on our personality.

Amya personality is sneaky when she is in the house she is quiet. An example would be one time she was in her grandmother’s
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People influence their environment by the characteristics they naturally possess, beginning at a young age. Amya and Aryanna like going to church. The sing in the kid’s choir. They go to a bible study class on Tuesday. When Amya and Aryanna were babies. They both had medical problems. Amya had to sue an oxygen tank. Aryanna had many surgeries on her heart. Aryanna also had ear problems. Her hearing was not good. As time passed Amya soon stopped using the oxygen. Aryanna hearing improved. Aryanna is eating chips, then she will give Amya some chips. Amya can fasten her seat belt in the car. Aryanna can also but it takes her longer. And sometimes Amya will fasten it for her. Aryanna doesn’t like Amya fastening her seat belt. Their bed time is eight O’clock at night. It takes at least an hour before they fall to sleep. They lay in the bed and start playing until someone tells them to stop. When it is time for them to get up in the morning for school. They get up no problem.