Essay about Two Chainz

Submitted By Willwwww
Words: 599
Pages: 3

ob ChenPeople who supported the Greek revolution thought of Greece as home of the Greek Empire and therefore thought of the character of the Greek to besimilar of their ancestors. On the other hand, opponents of the revolution viewedthe Greeks of the revolution as drunken criminals. Either way, the currentcondition of the Greeks was that of oppression as the Turkish army used violenceon the Greek citizens.To supporters of the revolution, Greece stood for the beginning of moderncivilization. Shelly writes (D 7) that Europeans were all Greeks as their culturehas roots in ancient Greece, and Davis (D 1) writes that Greece was the placewhere Plato taught, symbolizing the beginnings of philosophy and sciences asPlato was an important intellectual figure. Shelly and Davis’s writings werewritten conjuring images of nationalism, indicating the writers were sympatheticto nationalist thought and they would have supported the revolution as it wouldgive a nation to the Greek people and therefore their writings would only look toGreek interests and emphasize the importance of Greek interests. The characterof the Greeks at the time were therefore of modern Greek supported by theancients. The Greek exiles writes (D 6) that Ares has waken the heroes of thetombs to support the Greeks in their revolution and Mavrocordato (D 10) writesthat the Greeks had the hand of god at the time. Since Mavrocordato was thepresident of the Greek revolutionary government he would have written that theGreeks were the good guys and exaggerate the savageness of the ottomans tomake Greece look good to the eyes of the foreigners. To supporters of therevolution the character of the modern day Greeks was alike to that of ancientAthens.To opponents of the revolution, the Greeks were the low form of thesociety. The Sultan (D 2) writes of the Greeks as if there were robbers and Pasha(D 9) writes that the Greeks were nothing but a bunch of drunkards. However, both rules were Turks and generally viewed themselves as superior to others, sothey would write that the Greeks were inferior. The Sultan and the governorwould oppose the revolution as it was an assault on their own power, also othersthought lowly of the Greeks as Kaklphoglou (D 4) wrote that the Greeks justwanted to imitate the Frenchman and Dallaway (D 5) also wrote that the Greekswere of the low form of society and were untrustworthy or no different from theTurks. Generally, opponents of the