Understanding Prophecy

Words: 1262
Pages: 6

Understanding the Composition of Prophecy
How the events of a prophecy unfold is all dependant on the hero's understanding of the prophecy. A couple of the elements of this are first, how mostly the whole world has just agreed on how a prophecy turns out in the end, until they are the one having to interpret the end of a prophecy on there own . This of course leads us into another thought, someone has to know about the prophecy and also know the hero that is in that prophecy, otherwise there is no interpretations ever made. Without interpretation, there is no need for the prophecy, which leads us the next idea. Prophecies are sure to be interpreted multiple times in many different ways, whether the interpretations are correct or not is another
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How the events of a prophecy unfold is all dependent on the hero's understanding of the prophecy allowing things to mean almost anything such as a vitamin D sun shaped gummy vitamin or a glass of sunny D, it all just is personal insight and understanding when it comes to deciphering what a prophecy may mean. It's better to be different and not follow the movie plot while not being a movie prophecy zombie and thinking outside the box. by allowing others interpret the main character's’ story in there own way to see if they could have spiced it up or actually guessed it right to gain a feeling of “wow”. Certain elements may point at on person as the hero of the prophecy however looking deeper may prove the hunch right, it may also be wrong. Any prophecy will be deciphered many different ways and times. One is probably close to right, but nobody can be completely accurate in the prediction, until isn’t a prediction any longer and it is used as more of a summary of the hero's story. Prophecy is not for the weak minded it takes more brainpower to think of all the possibilities out there that most math problems. How the events of a prophecy unfold is all dependent on the hero's understanding of the