Understanding The Permissive Paradigm In Jeannette Wall's The Glass Castle

Words: 254
Pages: 2

Jeannette Wall’s The Glass Castle promotes her upbringing as being of the permissive paradigm with her allotted independence, marginally positive environment, and having friends more than parents (Cherry, “The Four Styles of Parenting”). The permissive parenting paradigm outlines a sense of independence which is present in Jeannette’s childhood (Cherry). Jeannette remembers her earliest memory being: “I was three years old…I was wearing the dress to cool hot dogs… I could hear Mom in the next room singing while she worked on one of her paintings.” (9). Jeannette is only three years old and she is cooking hot dogs unsupervised which is terribly dangerous. Few conflicts arise from Jeannette’s parents and when they do, her parents don’t want them