Unions In The 21st Century: A Case Study

Words: 694
Pages: 3

In the 21st century some wonder if unions still exist, and if so who are they and what is their size in number. Looking back in history, it shows how unions were in the forefront. Now as years have gone by and times have changed, so has the union. In order to find out membership and types of unions that are operating at full capacity, we will need to examine to find out where they are, who they are, and what they are doing. Union membership has declined over the years for numerous reasons. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics union membership rate, which is the number of wage and salary workers has changed quite a bit. “Those that belong to a union in 2016 was 14.6 million, which is a 240,000 decline from 2015. The year 1983 was the first time that comparable union data was available, and the membership rate was 20.1 percent, at that time there were 17.7 million union members”(Union members 2016). One reason is because most employees want the ability to move up in the organization and receive promotions based on their own merits, and not have to wait for everyone else, so that they can all move together. When the organization is unionized they establish what is known as collective bargaining, which will give everyone in the same position, the same thing, at the same time. It is one contract …show more content…
This union is made up of teachers, faculty and staff from colleges and universities, support staff, retired educators, and those that are preparing to become teachers. This union takes a stand on numerous policies, such as taking the focus off of standardized testing by reforming No Child Left Behind Act, starting salary for all teacher no less than $40,000 annual, reforming laws that govern charter schools, etc. The NEA is very active politically fighting for educational rights and funding on every level (Union Facts,