Unit 1.4 M4

Words: 472
Pages: 2

1.4 I can describe factors that might affect the task
When adding my images I had to think about copyright as the images were not mine I got them from the internet. In my presentation write up I had linked where I had got each photo from. I even had to edit my photos as it wasn’t mine I changed the background colour so it was not the same photo as the one I got from the internet. Using copyright material is against the law that is the reason I changed the photo and linked where I got each of my images from.

1.5 I can select and use IT systems and software applications to complete planned tasks and produce effective results

I used PowerPoint, the reason I used power point was because it is easy to present things in different slides, you can organise your
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You are able to add images, videos and audio to the power point, adding these will keep the audience interested. You can use different fonts, colours, sizes, you can make it bold italic and underline it these options will make your presentation more visually appealing to the target audience. You can use hyperlinks to transition between each of your slides and hyperlink certain things like images to transition to another.

1.7 I can describe any legal or local guidelines or constraints that apply to the task or activity

In order to be able to use the schools computer system I had to sign the acceptable use policy in my planner. When I signed the acceptable use policy I agreed to use the school computer system to do school work not play games and go on things not related to work. School have put impero filter block on any websites that may be offensive, violence or pornography. In the acceptable use policy it list a lot of things you are not supposed to do on the school computers one of these is “use of network