Factors That Influence Communication

Submitted By kirazCetiin
Words: 1225
Pages: 5

Environmental factors that influence communication
In order to communicate individuals have to go through a process with another person. This process is called the communication cycle because the process goes round in a circle. This circle includes six main processes. The idea occurs so the individual thinks of something they want to communicate. Communication always has a purpose. It might be to pass on information on or an idea, or to persuade someone to do something or to entertain or inspire.
Message gets coded this is where the individual thinks about how they are going to say what they are thinking and decide in what form the communication will be, for example, spoken word or sign language. They put it in to this form in their head.
The message gets sent which is where individuals send the message, for example speak or sign what they want to communicate.
The message was received where the other person senses that they have sent a message by, for example hearing their words or seeing their signs.
The message gets decoded this is where the other person has to interpret what they have communicated.
The message gets understood which is where the other person has concentrated and there are no barriers to communication, the other person understands their ideas. They show this by giving feedback for example sending a message back.
Barriers to communication
When it works well, communication helps establish trusting relationships, ensures information is passed and understood, and enriches people’s lives. But all too often good communication is hampered by barriers. This can lead to misunderstandings, resentments, frustrations and demoralization not only for patients/clients, but also for health care staff. When trying to get things done in the world or work, effective communication is a must. While sharing ideas through words or writing may seem simple, there are many barriers that can impede this process. By understanding what barriers may stand in the way of your attempts at effective information sharing, you can more successfully sidestep these challenges and engage in productive communication with co-workers and supervisors.

Types of communication difficult complex or sensitive
Most people can think of times when they have put off having that ‘difficult’ conversation, most people will also recognise that putting off the difficult conversation alleviates short-term anxiety. However, constantly putting off difficult communication situations often leads to feelings of frustration, guilt, annoyance with oneself, anger, a reduction in self-confidence and ultimately more stress and anxiety. Complex and sensitive communications and public relations issues are emergent, dynamic, and difficult to predict. They could have an impact on the organization's reputation and activities and would require proactive or pre-emptive media relations and other types of communications activities. Issues are both operational and policy in nature at local or provincial/territorial levels.

What is empathy?
Empathy is understanding the situation someone is in and entering into the person’s feelings. It can also mean nouns denoting feelings and emotions, especially when directed to someone who is undergoing pain or sorrow. This is a virtue advocated for in both social societies and even religious groups.
Why is Empathy Important?
Without empathy, people tend to go about life without considering how other people feel or what they may be thinking. Each of us has differing perspectives. We all experience moods, pain and hurt, joy and sadness. And we are so limited when we only see our own perspective. Without taking a moment to assess another, it is easy to make assumptions and jump to conclusions. This often leads to misunderstandings, bad feelings, conflict, poor morale and even divorce. People do not feel heard or understood.
Understanding language needs and preferences
Service providers need to understand language needs and preferences