Unit 2 P1 Essay

Submitted By ADZEY1
Words: 578
Pages: 3

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Someone else has recommended a cheaper computer to solve the problem and here I will compare the computers and tell you which I recommend.

Both computer systems have their strengths and weaknesses. The biggest strengths of the ADVENT DT2111 is that it excels in all components and exceeds all requirements needed for AutoCAD by a fairly big margin however its weakness is that it is a lot more expensive than the ADVENT DT2204. The strengths of the cheaper computer is that it is cheaper, also it is capable of running AutoCAD however it can only just about manage it as the processor is only just good enough to handle it and doesn’t meet the recommended processor requirements. Overall as having a budget of £800 even though the ADVENT DT2111 is much more costly you will be getting the most out of your money, Also as the DT2204 is a lot cheaper it is not nearly as good as the more expensive computer.
As a final recommendation for you I certainly suggest you take the ADVENT DT2111 as although it is more expensive it is within your budget and is a lot better computer overall than the ADVENT DT2204.It has much better graphics capability even though they have the same monitor as the expensive one has better graphics and a dedicated graphics card whereas the cheaper one only has the standard issues graphics, Having better graphics will be a lot better for your company and is a huge boost. It is faster with bigger RAM, Has Intel core i5 processor compared to only a Pentium dual core processor meaning the ADVENT DT2111 has a lot better and faster processor and can handle a lot more than the cheaper computer can and also it has double the memory space of the cheaper one which may come in very handy especially at your company when saving a lot of information on to the system. Also the requirements for AutoCAD is 3.0GHz processor speed where as the DT2204 only has 2.7 GHz meaning the ADVENT DT2204 can barely handle the AutoCAD programme anyway which gives extra incentive to buy the ADVENT DT2111. Another thing that sets these computers apart is the cache memory, the expensive computer has a lot better cache memory which is very handy for your company. Both computers have the same amount of USB slots. Overall these are