Unit 201 Development Essay

Submitted By mackerz92
Words: 1618
Pages: 7

Gema Mack

City and Guilds Level 2 Award Support Work in Schools

Unit 201

Child and Young Person Development

OUTCOME 1 Know about factors which influence growth and development in children from birth to 19 years

1.1 Outline the patterns and stages of development for children from birth to 19 years

0-3 years
They can control their muscles and movements at around 3 months old.
They usually start rolling, crawling and shuffling before they are 1 years old.
They usually start to walk run climb between 1 and 2 years old.
At this stage they will also start developing their fine motor skills by learning to feed themselves
Between the ages of 2 and 3 they will have more control of handling small objects and also more balance when walking and running
3-7 years
At this stage they will start growing taller and wider
They will have good balance giving them the ability to jump off low objects
They will have increased co-ordination for throwing and catching objects
They will have more control over there fine motor skills for things like writing, drawing and cutting
They will gain in strength and start using larger equipment such as bikes
7-12 years
At this stage they will become more independent
Their body will go through many physical changes and girls will show early signs of puberty
Their fine motor skills will be more controlled meaning their handwriting will be improved and they could play an instrument
12-16 years
Boys will go through puberty and usually have a growth spurt making them taller than most girls, their voice will usually break as well
Girls will usually have gone through puberty and have regular periods
At this stage both boys and girls usually become sexually active
16-19 years
By this stage most girls will have reached physical maturity
Boys will normally continue to grow in to their 20’s
95% of boys and girls will reach their full height at this stage
0-3 years
They will want lots of attention and approval at this age
They want to help adults with simple tasks such as tidying up
They seek independence by doing simple tasks on their own
They will express several different clear emotions
They will start to have tantrums but will quiet down if shown attention
They respond positively to touch and seek comfort and warm smiles
3-7 years
At this stage they are developing their identities and are learning to play and socialise with other children
They develop concepts of different roles in their lives plus developing boundaries and the reason for these
They respond well to responsibilities
They seek adult approval more
They develop self-help skills and understand rules and co-operate with other children
7-12 years
At this stage children will share more negative emotions with their ‘best friends’ rather than their parents to avoid a negative response
As they get older they will share more emotions with their mother rather than their father for the same reason
They will usually learn more from their surroundings to help establish, build and sustain social relationships
They begin to understand their emotions and they can feel more than one emotion at a time
12-16 years
Their self-esteem can be very vulnerable
They will seek approval from other children their age
They want the independence of adulthood but will be unsure of how to behave in different situations
They will still seek guidance from role models as they approach adulthood
16-19 years
They are entering adulthood and still need advice from other adults as they lack experience
They vary in emotional maturity
They also vary in social interactions
0-3 years
They will start interacting with familiar faces by making sounds, starting to talk and will even start to put sentences together
They will start to ask a lot of questions “WHY”
They enjoy participating in activities such as when they are being read to
3-7 years
They will usually communicate using full