Unit 212 Essay

Submitted By Rhiannon-Roberts
Words: 296
Pages: 2

Unit 212

Provide support to manage pain and discomfort

Holistic care is important in managing pain and discomfort, as it aims to take care of the whole person, not only the physical needs of the patient (the pain they are going through), but also their mental and emotional needs (fear, not knowing what’s wrong) and also their social needs (money, family). This is where a person centred care plan is ideal, as it caters for the individuals needs in every aspect of their care. The purpose of these care plans are to ensure that a patient is cared for according to their personal needs as well as to support family members. There are many different approaches to alleviate and minimise pain and discomfort.
1. Medication: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Morphine.
2. Physical methods: Cooling with a cold flannel or ice, Hot water bottle, re positioning.
3. Self help: Walking around, other light exercises, even talking to take your mind off the pain. Before using any method to manage pain, the patient must be assessed by the appropriate professional, being GP, Occupational Therapist or any other. As with any kind of pain relief, there are risks. Care plans, policies and risk assessments must be followed at all times. Gallai poen neu anghysyr difrifol newid person yn llwyr. Gall effeithio y ffordd mae person yn bwyta neu yfed h.y anhawster llyncu. Gall achosi rhwystredigaeth ac ymddygiad afresymol mewn person sydd fel arfer yn dawel ac mewn rheolaeth, gallai hefyd wneud gorffwys,