Unit 27 P4 Health And Social Care Analysis

Words: 1870
Pages: 8

Geographical locations can be affected by variety of reasons such as, location of care facility, opening times, ease of arranging appointments , and mobility of service user.

Location of care facility is a very positive factor with those who live in cities and nearby hospitals, as well as having taxis for 24 hours meaning there is always a form of transport for everyone. However, in a place like the Isle Of Man there is only two hospitals, one located in ramsey, called the Ramsey cottage Hospital and the main one in Douglas (Nobles Hospital) this means if a pregnant woman who lived in peel was in labour they will take approximately half an hour on a car or fifty minutes on a bus to make it to Noble’s hospital, However, they do also provide ambulances which will make the journey faster, but the Ramsey Cottage doe not take people in labour meaning Nobles Hospital is the only available hospital, the Ramsey Cottage is only available from 8am - 8pm, even though it's easily accessible it may not offer different types of care.On the other side, Nobles is available 24 hours and can provide as much care needed, and individuals who may need to stay overnight are until they're ready to go home are allowed . When it comes to arranging non emergency appointments, because both hospitals are funded by the NHS they it will take approximately 14 days for an individual to have their
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Individuals will always expect a loss of income as they may need to things such as rent, tax and business, meaning those with private care may be at risk in this situation as they may not be able to afford medicines and appointments, equally important to those who work and access care by NHS as they may also be in danger because they also will need to pay for things such as