Unit 3 P3 Immunology

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Pages: 7

P3 immunology
A. Explain the importance of the immune system to humans?
The air that people breathe in has many bacteria within it that can’t be cleansed easily, microbes and viruses are suspended in the air these dangerous substances can easily come inside the body and then in turn have serious consequences. The body’s defence mechanism is the immune system, as it defends itself against substances that may trigger illnesses to occur such as pathogens. This incredible mechanism uses there skin for protection against harmful materials it also uses a special acidic liquid which is stored within the stomach for protection against harmful materials. These protections it uses aren’t special. In contrast at times the immune
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Monocytes also get rid of dead cells where there is an infection, which mends wounds. These cells inspire the creation of many organs, such as the heart and brain, it did this by assisting the mechanism that grasp tissues together.
Macrophages have a continuous job to consuming uninvited substances and it does this by swallowing them. Macrophages are amoeba kind of cells. Macrophages encircle their victim and they quickly wallow it.
A procedure referred to as phagocytosis is used by macrophages in order to terminate and free the body of unwelcomed materials inside the body. Furthermore phagocytosis translate eat the cell. The procedure functions this way, whilst the microphages consume the substances, a phagosome is created which is a pocket this encircles the substance. In addition an organelle inside the macrophage secretes enzymes secreted by the phagosome. Similar to the enzyme within the stomach, they are secreted to process food, the materials leave the macrophages to be returned inside the body.
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These antibodies attach to the antigens that are located on top of the germs. Discontinuing them from going in their path. Forming clatters that modify the body to invaders that are in the body. The body begins to produce toxic materials to destroy them. Guarding protector cells known as phagocytes consume and extinguish antibody surrounded invaders.
Phagocytes can move across blood vessel walls then inside the inclosing tissues and then travel to pathogens or toxins.
Phagocytes may eat and captivate toxins or pathogens. They may excrete an enzyme to abolish them. After sucking up a pathogen, the phagocytes can transmit chemical instructions that assist neighbouring lymphocytes to recognise the sort of antibody required in order to counterbalance them.
Nonspecific immunity which is also known as innate immunity is described as the protection mechanism that many individuals are born with. It is a vital mechanism that guards an individual against many antigens. Check many antigens. Nonspecific immunity consists of barricades that ensure harsh substances are kept well away from the body. Some barricades that serve as the main lines of protection in the immune response are enzymes which are found in tears, skin, stomach acid, mucus which is by far vital in keeping bacteria and other minor