unit4 p1 Essay

Submitted By vrasiklal
Words: 1400
Pages: 6

Physical Development Intellectual Development Emotional Development Social Development
Conception When the sperm enters the ovum, cells start to multiply. None. None. None.
Pregnancy Throughout the nine months of pregnancy the females The mother tends to think about the future of her unborn child and mostly negatives about the pregnancy causing her stress. The mother may experience mood swings. None.
Birth and Infancy – 0-3 Years Between these stages babies grow the strengths to learn how to crawl, stand and walk They also learn to talk. The Muscles of the infant’s body start to develop from head to toe. The neck muscles will start to develop before any other muscle. Babies start to communicate and interact with other individuals especially adults as soon as they are born. A baby will start to communicate through gestures in expressing their feelings and also they’re needs. During the first year of life it is good to give a baby love, warmth and care, to help them gain the sense of being safe and also welcoming as they are born with their emotions therefore they will understand the care you give them. The feeling of being protected can help them give healthy reactions. Infants are introduced to close friends and family helps build their confidence and self-esteem. This will help them build stronger and social relationships with other individuals.

Childhood – 4-9 years During this stage of the cycle, a child will enjoy doing physical activities such as running, jumping, dancing etc. it is significant that children do things with caution and under supervision. Other than height spurts occurring, The child’s brain growth slows down as well as physical growth. The brain starts to develop gradually which is why children like to ask questions and are interested when answers are given. This will help them learn about the environment they are in and also the culture they are surrounded by, for instance the society they live in. Children have to cope with their own feelings and feelings of others in the same way they have to learn new skills and how to behave. This can be achieved by bonding with other children as they both will learn. Some children will be good at forming relationships with others whereas some will like to keep to themselves. Children learn how to become friends with others and will learn how to maintain relationships.

Adolescence – 10-18 years Physical changes occur in both boys and girls dramatically. Some changes arise in both genders such as; the appetite of the teenager increases rapidly; the need for sleep increases as sleeping late becomes a habit; oily skin and acne become a problem for both genders some changes are different for both genders for instance a males voice breaks and becomes deeper, they become taller, the growth of hair occurs on the body and the production of testosterone occurs. On the other hand a female starts her menstrual periods, growth of hair occurs on the body and the production of oestrogen is stimulated. From teenage years a child changes the way they see themselves as they enter the adult world they start to become mature, parents setting good examples usually effects the teenager’s development. They think about the achievements they can gain in the future. Teenagers are able to solve problems using their initiative just like an adult. During this stage in life a teenager usually has mood swings as hormones maybe unbalanced, this can also lead to aggressive behaviour. However as the teenager gets older the moods start to settle down. As teenage years pass a teenager becomes a lot more sociable with people older than them. From a friendship that is group focused goes onto become a social circle which is large and varied to having one or two best friends. They become more dependant on their friends rather than family. They start to explore their sexuality resulting in romantic relationships.

Adulthood – 19-65 years The Vision of an individual will weaken,