Essay about United States and Civil Rights

Submitted By MartinRoberts
Words: 409
Pages: 2

Terms: Poll Tax, Dixicats, Brown v Board of Education, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, To Secure These Rights, Braceros, Termination Policy.
Chapter 19
The Impact Of
GI Bill Congress passed servicemens readjustment act in 1944 Encouraging veterans to get an education and paying their tuition
Re-adjustment After World War II the United States converted from a wartime to a peacetime economy Un-employment increased
The Fair Deal Economic Program An extension of Roosevelts New Deal
Nationwide system of compulsory health insurance and crop-subsidy system to provide a steady income for farmers
Truman Support’s civil right movement
Truman put his career on the line for civil rights. “ I am asking for equality of opportunity ts Civil Rights for all human beings.” A federal antilynching law A poll tax as a voting requirement (This tax was often used to prevent African Americans from voting Establishment of a permanent body to prevent racial discrimination in hiring
The 1948 -Although many Americans blamed Truman for the nation’s inflation and labor unrest, Election the Democrats nominated him for president in 1948. Truman insisted that the party platform include a strong civil rights plan. Southern delegates to the national convention who became known as Dixiecrats opposed civil rights and sought to protect “the Southern way of life”
Many Americans blamed Truman for the nation’s inflation and labor unrest, the Democrats nominated him for president in 1948
Strom Thurmond also nominated by Dixiecrats

Walking The
Middle of the
Road President Eisenhower could not overstep these civil rights