United States History Twentieth Century Essay

Submitted By ericadmt
Words: 827
Pages: 4

Loading… 1.What are the black codes?: |

laws in the United States after the Civil War with the effect of limiting the basic human rights and civil liberties of the newly freed blacks |

2.What is the Significance of the Fourteenth Amendment?: |

It provides equal protection and due process to all men; prohibits state and local governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without due process and provides a broad definition of citizenship |

3.What is the Freedman's Bureau?: |

a U.S. federal government agency that aided distressed freedmen (freed slaves) during the Reconstruction era after the Civil War |

4.What is the Compromise of 1877?: |

deal that settled the 1876 U.S. presidential election between Hayes and Tilden, giving Hayes office if he pulled troops from the South which ended Reconstruction in the South |

5.What is the significance of Plessy v. Ferguson?: |

a landmark U. S. Supreme Court Case upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal." | 6.What are the Dawes Act?: |

authorized the President of the United States to survey Native American lands and divide it into allotments for individual Natives, breaking up reservations by granting land allotments to individual Native Americans |

7.What is the Homestead Act?: |

intended to encourage settlement of the West by providing free land to settlers, granted huge tracts of public land to railroad companies to support the building of a transcontinental railroad and gave the states land for the establishment of agricultural colleges |

8.What is the Gospel of Wealth?: |

an article written by Andrew Carnegie that describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich and to justify his enormous wealth |

9.What is the American Protective Association?: |

the most powerful anti-Catholic organization that played upon the fears of rural Americans about the growth and political power of Roman Catholic Church in America and fears that Catholic teachings were infiltrating the public school systems | 10.What is the Homestead Strike?: |

Workers struck in response to a 20% pay cut at Carnegie's Homestead Steel Plant, Frick Carnegies partner hired small private army of detectives to remove strikers but they over took them, the Penn. governor ordered state militia to impose peace, strikers surrendered in the following months |

11.What are the Knights of Labor?: |

the largest American labor organizations of the 1880s who welcomed everyone regardless of skill, creed, gender or color | 12.What is the Fifteenth Amendment?: |

prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude" |

13.What is the People's Party?: |

also known as the "Populists", was a short-lived political party in the U. S. formed after Kansas Alliance Members rejected the Republican and Democratic parties ..southerners worried the new party would split the white votes even further undercutting white supremacy & used intimidation, fraud, and manipulation to hold down Populist votes

| 14.What is the Pullman Strike?: |

one of the largest strikes in the U.S. - employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company struck to protest wage cuts,