University Of Mississippi Argumentative Essay

Words: 1383
Pages: 6

I would like to say that we live in a perfect, happy world where all people get along, help one another out and love unconditionally. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Too many people go around tearing each other down based on a stereotype that could (perhaps may not) not hold any truth to it. We as humans often put each other into a box because of a group they may fit into and making a generalization about the group as a whole. For example: blondes are dumb, women are bad drivers, and all white people were once said to be superior to blacks. As a country we have battled racism from the very start. Some would argue that racism ended shortly after the Civil War, others say the last battle of the Civil War was the 1962 integration of the University of Mississippi, but many believe there is a silent battle going on today. The integration of the University of Mississippi was an action that was necessary and plays an important role in the transition the United States has made as changed on our view on racism. …show more content…
Fredrickson, an American Edgar E. Robinson Professor of U.S. History at Stanford University, in his article “The Historical Origins and Development of Racism” states, “Racism exists when one ethnic group or historical collectivity dominates, excludes, or seeks to eliminate another on the basis of differences that it believes are hereditary and unalterable.” Fredrickson goes on to explain that it was not until around the nineteenth century during the age of emancipation, nationalism, and imperialization, all qualities that helped contribute to the growth of racism in both the United States of America and Europe. Racism hit a climax during the twenty century while slavery grew more in the United States and especially in the South for help on the