Unknown Bacteria Essay

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Pages: 6

Bacteria are both helpful and damaging. These microbes are significant to persons since they production a role in the biology of lifespan, by decaying wastes, both environmental and synthetic. Additional numerous bacterium that can cause grave harm, even direct killing due to the sicknesses or illness affecting products they produce. General, bacteria play an essential role in life.
The cause of this study was to identify the unknown bacterium utilize biological tests and several methods that utilize been learned from previous the microbiology laboratory class. Identifying the unknown bacterium was resolute by splitting and distinguishing possible bacteria based on specific biochemical types. The variance tests used to identify
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Crystal violet,
Gram iodine, Gram Stain decolorizer, safranin Pink rods Gram Negative rods
To determine the presence of oxidase enzymes. Oxidase paper, oxidase agent Brown/ No color change Negative
To determine if bacteria can breakdown the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptone broth, indole reagent read coloring , it is positive
To Urea broth the resulting ammonia causes the PH to become alkaline.as the PH increases ,the phenol red changes from yellow (ph 6.8) to a bright pink or cerise color (PH 8.1 or greater) so it is positive
To determine if an organism can produce the exoenzyme casesase. Skim milk plate clearing around the bacterium. Positive
After several differential tests, it was concluded that unknown bacterium was Escherichia coli. Performing the Gram stain control the unknown was a Gram negative rod, the organism was grown on a TSA slant for use in inoculating the rest of the biochemical tests. All of the biochemical tests functioned well excepting for the indole test. It provided a false negative result at first. This was determined since it was inconsistent with the rest of the