Unrepentant Documentary Summary

Words: 528
Pages: 3

After watching the film Unrepentant, I feel heavy-hearted to know this fact about residential schools in Canada. To be honest, I am shocked about this documentary and I never think there would be such thing was happened in Canada. The film shows us how residential schools did bad things to Indian children and made them have terrible memories, even influence these children deeply up to now. Indian children were forced to leave their parents and get education in residential school. Many of them in schools were punished even they did not do anything wrong and some of them suffered sexual abuse. Many children saw their friends die, for example, one victim said “when I was six years old, a nun killed a little girl right who was in front of us by kicking her hand in the side of the neck and I herd the terrible snap. Then the nun told us to step over her body and go to class. That was in 1966.” I cannot imagine this scene even now and how these little children saw their friends dying in front of them. How cruel it is. What’s worse, when some children had infectious diseases, schools did not isolate them and let other healthy children play and sleep with them which increased the death rate. The purpose …show more content…
I really admire him, since he continued to collect evidences and advertise this fact no matter how government prevented him by many ways. In my mind, he is a hero. Because of him, more and more people know this gruesome fact and let governments realize how terrible they did to Indian children. Without him, there still is a long way to let government face this fact and do apology to these victims. Without him, Prime Minister Stephen Harper cannot make a statement of apology to former students of Indian Residential School s on June 11,