Use Of Darkness And Light In Macbeth

Words: 297
Pages: 2

Shakespeare uses darkness and light throughout Macbeth to help develop Lady Macbeth’s character. At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth decides she does not want to do the things women are normally supposed to do. Robert Thomas Fallon explains this in his book A Theatergoer’s Guide To Shakespeare, when he says, “Lady Macbeth calls ‘On the forces of darkness’ to ‘Drain her of all the qualities said traditionally to be natural to a woman, the instinctive desire to nurture, comfort, and protect human life, so that she may urge her husband to perform a single night’s demonic worth.’” (175-176). She diverges from the normal qualities of a woman to convince her husband to murder the king to become king himself, showing how she is becoming evil