Using The Form To Evaluate Web Sources Under Blackboard Resources

Submitted By yelyahbumps
Words: 816
Pages: 4

Argument Essay: 200 points


Final draft is to be 2,000 words minimum, double-spaced, in 12-point font.
Use APA manuscript style with in-text documentation and References page.
Eight sources total:
Four print-based sources from the Ivy Tech Virtual Library: two should be scholarly journal articles, and two should be periodicals.
Two internet sources that you evaluate using the “Form to Evaluate Web Sources” under Blackboard Resources; this form must be turned in with the first draft.
Two images, well-integrated into your essay (helping to back up your argument), and properly cited.

Clear thesis (claim).
Effective introduction and conclusion.
Audience awareness.
Fair and accurate discussion of opposing viewpoints; convincing evidence refuting opposing arguments.
Sufficient evidence to support your position; use of first-hand observation, examples from personal experience, statistics, facts and quotations from reading, and results from surveys, studies, and interviews.
Effective organization, coherence, and paragraph transitions.
Clear style with few distracting typos, language, or grammar errors.
Use headings in the body of your essay.
Include Letter of Transmittal with first draft.

Techniques for writing arguments:

Even though our textbook talks about “claims of value,” avoid them for this assignment.

Do some brief preliminary research to ensure you will be able to find enough sources to support your point.

On all major issues, a debate already exists on the topic; do the research on your subject early to see what the experts recommend from all sides of the debate. This may help form your approach.

Nevertheless, make sure that you are the master of your own position and the author of your own essay; don’t form your essay around your sources, but form your sources around your essay, using them to back up your own points. Remember, this is also one of the main pointers for avoiding plagiarism.

Narrow your thesis to a very specific statement – make it feasible! If it’s too broad, your argument will not be effective.

Moderate your argument: the more extreme your claim, the harder it will be to argue it.

Also moderate and formalize your language: not, “Everybody knows that…”, or “I believe that,” or “My opinion is,” but, “Some people believe that…”

The most effective arguments will most likely take advantage of all three of the different kinds of appeals: logic (logos), emotion (pathos), and character (ethos).

Remember, however, that extreme overuse of emotion will alienate your audience and defeat your goal of having your audience consider your point of view; use pathos wisely and sparingly!

Your topic should have a personal/local angle – this will allow you to take full advantage of the appeal to character (ethos).

Your topic must be debatable – avoid a claim that is so obvious that no one would argue with it. An example is, “Child abuse is a terrible thing,” or “Drunk driving is bad.” These are both very obviously true; there’s nothing to be debated. Instead, you would need to take s stand on a specific kind of policy or change; what is the best way to address child abuse or drunk driving?

For this reason, avoid claims about “fairness”; or, if you do