Utc Chapter Exam Essay

Submitted By tikrueger
Words: 481
Pages: 2

UTC: #’s 2, 4, 5, 8 p. 52
UTC Question #2: Workforce trends shifted from labor intense jobs to more technical advance jobs from the late 1800’s to the mid 1900’s. Changes occurred in racial and ethnic composition, an aging baby boom generation, and an expanding regiment of the Gen Y workers. One hundred years ago blacks usually worked for very little money and had very extreme jobs. They worked many hours in the day just to support their family. Now we don’t even think twice when we see black people dressed up in suits and ties managing a company. Color is looked aside and in today’s generation it’s not unusual to see black men and women, and also white women in managing positions. Managers have also had to change the way they manage their employees over the years to adapt to the changes. There are so many Mexicans, Blacks, and Latinos, to name a few, working a lot more 9-5 jobs in today’s world.

UTC Question 4: Today’s workplace must accommodate the varied needs of a diverse workforce. Many organizations are offering family-friendly benefits to their workers. They are benefits that provide a wide range of scheduling options to allow workers to have time in their day to pick their kids up from school and be able to go to their baseball games. It accommodates their need for a work/life balance. Some larger companies have an onsite daycare, summer day camps, and time off for school functions.

UTC Question #5: When companies use social responsibility inside the workplace, they improve the quality of life in a workplace. Each company has different objectives though the main motive is the same. In workplaces it helps relieve the stress of the environment. Social responsibility helps stop unethical practices in the work environment so every company should practice it without a doubt. Apple has a great definition