Vannessa-Personal Narrative

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Pages: 4

It was the 25th of July in 2005, my sister Vannessa and I were in the car with a lady who worked for Families SA, and she was taking us to meet our new family. Vannessa and I were really scared and confused because we were being taken out of a place that we were comfortable in to be moved to somewhere new. At the time I was only 4 years old and my sister was 3 so we really didn’t understand what was going on. Once we had arrived at our new home we were greeted with warm smiles and welcoming arms, our new family had introduced themselves to us and the driver left.
Our new mother’s name was Alison at first I was very reluctant to call her anything but soon I called her by her name, I was still unsure whether I should or shouldn’t call her mum
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Vannessa and I saw that we had a pink bunk bed and we were really excited because we had never had a bunk bed before so it was something different and exiting, straight away I jumped onto the top and sat their waiting for Alison to do or say something but all she did was stand there and look at us for a while. Once I had finally got a little bit comfortable with her I came down from the bed and asked where the toilet was so she put her hand out and showed me the way. Vannessa followed because she didn’t like being alone, and she wasn’t too comfortable yet. Once we were finished exploring the house and learning the rules about boys and girls rooms and how we were not allowed to go into her or the boy’s …show more content…
As soon as I stepped outside I saw a large golden Labrador retriever named Bonnie and a small Maltese Shih - Tzu named Muffin he was very little and scruffy both of the dogs took a liking to me straight away but they were cautious around my younger sister, but they soon allowed her to pet them. We ran around outside for a while exploring the backyard which at the time seemed as big as the Olympic stadium. Soon after we were brought back inside so Alison could keep an eye on us, Vannessa immediately went into the kitchen looking for food but because she was so young she didn’t know how to speak properly so she couldn’t really ask for help to find it so Vannessa decided to get me and help her get it so I called Alison’s name hoping she would hear me and then she came to get us something to