Veronica Loveday Women's Suffrage

Words: 195
Pages: 1

The source I will analyze using active reading strategies is Women's Suffrage & the Nineteenth Amendment by Veronica Loveday. Women's Suffrage & the Nineteenth Amendment, 8/1/2017. I found this article in the Shapiro Library.
In “Women's Suffrage & the Nineteenth Amendment,” Veronica Loveday, traces the women's suffrage movement from its roots (Early Suffragists) beginning in post-revolutionary America to the passage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. She mentions how the first formal assembly of the women's rights movement took place in Seneca Falls, New York at a convention. Loveday informs the reader of the relationship between the Early Suffragists and the abolitionist movement. In addition, she explains why the Suffragists