Veteran Heroes

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Pages: 4

A Compare and Contrast Analysis of the Veteran Hero in the Depiction of the Gunfighter in Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey and Shane by George Stevens

In this literary and film study, a comparison and contrast of the image of the Veteran Hero will be defined through the depiction of the gunfighter in Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey and Shane by George Stevens. In Shane, the main character, Shane, is a “relic of the past” in his talent as a gunfighter during a land dispute between ranchers in Wyoming. Lassiter is also a famous gunman that has a great deal of experience in killing Mormons, which defines the role of the veteran hero in the protection of Jane Withersteen in The Riders of the Purple Sage. However, Shane represents a “lone gunman” figure, which contrasts Lassiter’s willingness to stay with Jane and continue to protect from the Mormons until that they can find a safe place in which to live. In essence, a comparison and contrast of the image of the Veteran Hero will be defined through the depiction of the gunfighter in in these two stories of the Old West.
In the film Shane, the veteran hero is often depicted through the role of the experienced gunfighter looking to find peace and stability. Shane (Alan Ladd) is depicted as a talented gunslinger that posses humility and a peaceful demeanor, as he agrees to work as a ranch-hand for Joe Starrett (Van Heflin) and his wife, Marian (Jean Arthur). Of
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Much like Shane, Lassiter carries the mystique and romantic allure of a gunfighter that has a unique talent for using a gun to resolve conflicts with a perceived enemy. This heroic presentation is part of Lassiter’s veteran status as a well-known “Mormon killer” that comes to the rescue of Jane and Venters (a young man that is being persecuted by the